Our past projects have received a number of design awards from Engineering New Zealand (previously the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand IPENZ), NZIOB, the Registered Master Builders Association and ACENZ.
Awards for Excellence in the Building Professions 1997 – Highly Commended
- Project: Bruce Mason Theatre, Takapuna
- Sam Mukhtar was awarded the NZIOB James Hardie Awards for Excellence in the Building Profession for his innovative HVAC design
- In addition to creating a micro-climate within the audience seating area envelope with low velocity, medium temperature, displacement air supply, the main plant was configured to use 30% less energy than comparable setups used with other similar buildings yielding substantial saving on power usage and cost.
IPENZ Arthur Mead Memorial Environmental Award – Merit Award 2002
- Project: Waitakere Aquatic Centre Extension
- Presented to Sam Mukhtar of Pacific Pools Consultants
- for the application of environmental awareness to the solution of an engineering problem.
- A concept design was prepared for the pool water filtration and heating, pool hall heating and ventilation. Six major design parameters were proposed and adopted by Council:
- The use of rainwater collected from the existing and the new building roofs
- The use of backwash water for toilet and urinal flushing
- Solar water heating
- Run around heat reclaim coils for the ventilation system
- Heat pump air heating system as secondary heat source
- Variable flow pumping on all pool water circulation systems
New Zealand Commercial Project Awards 2016 – Silver Award
- Project: Mainfreight Christchurch
- Project Team Partner: Pacific Consultants Limited – Mechanical Engineer
- Category: Industrial
- “Spanning over 35,000m² this large scale project was undertaken in a live freight logistical environment where sustainable key elements of the buildings and services were incorporated. The result is a world class warehouse, freight and office facility.”
- New Zealand Commercial Project Awards